Welcome To
The Black Sanctuary

The Black Sanctuary is an education and empowerment platform created to teach Black Americans and all private citizens how to interact with police safely. We are a Black-owned and founded business and the first to focus on law enforcement education, mindset and empowerment, and safety and security.

What We Do

The Black Sanctuary is an education and empowerment platform created to teach Black Americans and all private citizens how to interact with police safely. We are a Black-owned and founded business and the first to focus on law enforcement education, mindset and empowerment, and safety and security. The Black Sanctuary’s primary focus is sharing our knowledge, training, and experience to ensure each police interaction a private citizen has is as uneventful as possible. We accomplish this through sharing objective knowledge, indisputable information, and truth gained from professional and personal experience. Our interaction with communities across the United States includes objective and informative educational content, community outreach, and town halls. As we aim to increase the public’s understanding of policing and use of force, we conduct speaking engagements with grade schools, high schools, universities, and companies. Consultation and collaboration with community organizations, law enforcement, and government agencies are also essential to work toward effective police reform.

Speaking Engagements

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Meet Our Founder

Derrick Dotson is a long-time public servant with more than twenty years of experience in both law enforcement and private security. Following the deaths of multiple Black Americans in 2020, Derrick felt there was a lack of guidance from the media and established and informed leaders in response to fatalities involving police. Derrick began sharing his career knowledge with companies and private citizens as he believed if people understood more about policing and the use of force, interactions with police would be more productive and uneventful. On the subject of police reform, this knowledge, combined with the diversity of thinking from the community, can spark effective changes for the future of law enforcement and policing. As a Black man with the experience of being a law enforcement use of force instructor teaching similar skills that have killed many Black Americans, including a loved one, Derrick presents a unique dual perspective. He has been the subject of dozens of traffic stops and has been the subject of stop and frisk. The dynamics of these experiences, combined with his expertise, make for an intriguing yet educational perspective.

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